Underfloor Heating FAQs
GM Floor Screeds
Underfloor heating is a series of electric wires and heating sheets that are installed beneath or within your flooring to simply warm your floor or act as a primary heating source to replace your radiators.
Underfloor heating systems work similar to radiators. The system heats the room through a series of pipes or cables, depending on the type of under floor heating system you have installed, however, it heats the room from the ground up.
There are four many benefits of underflooring heating. These include improved comfort levels. Low running costs, greater interior design freedom as no radiators, free wall space and enhanced safety and health.
No matter the size, age or construction of your house, it will more than likely be compatible with an under-floor heating system.
There are two ways in which under floor heating can be installed in a property – whilst the property is being built or it can be fitted after the property has been built. Obviously, the easiest way to install UFH is when a property is being built or renovated.
Any floor type can be laid on top of a under floor heating system, however, there are some types of flooring which work better with the system than others.
Also with some types of flooring, there are certain specifications you must abide by in order for the under floor heating to be as efficient and effective as possible.